If your Hyundai key fob is not working properly, you’re not alone. There are plenty of car owners who have experienced the same thing. In this article, we’ll explain how to fix a Hyundai key fob that’s not working after changing the battery or for any other reason.
Why Do Car Key Fobs Sometimes Stop Working?
Car key fobs, also known as car remotes, are useful devices that let you unlock and lock your car doors without the hassle of using a traditional key.
However, the key remote can sometimes stop working and this can be frustrating. The cause of the malfunction can vary but it is usually due to the battery being low or dead in the key fob, a fault connection or an issue with the car’s receiver.
When the battery is low or dead, it will no longer be able to send signals to the car to unlock or lock. To fix this issue, you will need to replace the battery with a new one.
A faulty connection can also be the reason for your remote not working properly. If there is a loose connection between the remote and the vehicle, then it could disrupt the signal transmission.
Lastly, an issue with the car’s receiver can also disrupt signal transmission. If the receiver is not receiving signals from the key fob, then you should take it to the mechanic to get it sorted out.
Causes Of Hyundai Key Fob Not Working After Battery Change
Dead Battery
The most common cause of a Hyundai key fob not working after you have changed the battery is that the battery was not installed correctly. This can cause the key fob to lose connection with the car, preventing it from working.
When changing the battery in your Hyundai key fob, it is important to make sure the battery is installed correctly. The positive and negative terminals should be facing the correct way. Be sure to double check the battery installation before closing the key fob back up.
If the battery is installed correctly but the key fob still isn’t working, there is a chance that the key fob itself is faulty. A faulty key fob can be caused by a number of things, ranging from water damage to wear and tear. In this case, the best solution is to replace the key fob.
There is also the possibility that the car’s system has been affected by an outside source. Having a car’s keyless system hacked is becoming increasingly common, and can prevent the car from recognizing the key fob. To prevent this, it is important to keep your car’s security system updated, and ensure that your car is equipped with an up-to-date anti-theft system.
Ensure The Battery Is In The Correct Position
The key fob’s battery should be in the same orientation as the diagram inside the battery compartment that is specific to that model. If it’s not positioned in the correct manner, it can cause the key fob to fail to operate.
The next step is to make sure that the battery contacts in the key fob match up with the + and – symbols on the inside of the battery compartment lid. If these symbols do not match up, the battery will not receive the power it needs to operate the key fob. If the battery is still not working, use a multimeter to check that the battery is receiving power.
It’s also important to make sure that the battery is properly secured in its compartment. It may be necessary to add a small shim to keep the battery securely in place. If a shim is needed, it will depend on the specific model of the Hyundai key fob. For some models, it may be more effective to use a thin foam piece to hold the battery in place.
Finally, it is important to note that some Hyundai key fobs are designed differently and may require special considerations. For example, some models require a special wire to connect the circuit board inside the battery compartment to the battery. If the wire is not correctly attached, the key fob may fail to respond.
There’s A Connection Issue Inside The Key Fob
You will need to open up your Hyundai key fob. Start by slipping a small flathead screwdriver into the seam between the two halves of the fob. Gently pry apart the halves and take out the battery. You should see a small metal contact on the battery; this is the connection you need to make sure is functioning correctly.
Next, take a look at the circuit board inside the fob. You should see a small metal contact connected to the printed circuit board. This is the contact your battery was connected to. If it looks corroded or damaged, you’ll need to replace it. You can either buy a replacement from a local electronics store or order a new one from the Hyundai dealership.
Once you’ve replaced the connection, simply put the battery back into the fob and reassemble it. At this point, the connection should be functioning correctly and the key fob should be working again.
If not, then it’s likely that there is another issue with the fob itself and you’ll need to take it to the dealership for further diagnosis and repair.
You Have Worn Out Buttons On The Key Fob
Often times, when the battery of your Hyundai key fob needs to be changed, the buttons become worn out and unresponsive. This is especially true if you have had the same key fob for a long time, as the buttons will have been used repeatedly over time. Luckily, this issue can be easily fixed with a few simple steps.
First, it is important to check that the battery you are using to replace the old one is a good match and was installed correctly. Make sure that the positive and negative terminals are in the right places, and that the battery is compatible with your particular key fob. If you are not sure of the type of battery you need, you can always check the manual for your model of Hyundai.
Once the battery is installed correctly, you should also take the time to inspect each of the buttons on your key fob. Look to see if they are loose or sticking, and if so, carefully unscrew them and clean the inside of the button housing with an electronic cleaner. If that does not work, you may need to replace the buttons.
If you have tried all the above steps but your key fob still does not work, it may be time for a new replacement key fob. Most Hyundai dealerships carry replacement key fobs, and a quick online search should provide you with a wealth of options.
You’ve Inserted The Wrong Type Of Battery
Most Hyundai key fobs require either a lithium-ion battery or an alkaline battery. Depending on the model of your key fob, the lithium coin cell batteries size will typically be either CR2032 batteries or a CR2025 batteries. It is important to always double check the battery size and type before purchasing a new one.
If you purchased the incorrect battery, the key fob will not work properly and the system may not recognize the new battery. To fix this problem, you will need to purchase the correct type of battery for your key fob.
To determine the correct type of battery for your key fob, you will need to consult your owner’s manual. The manual should provide you with the information needed to identify the correct battery. In addition, you can also contact a Hyundai dealership for assistance. They can provide you with the exact battery type and size needed for your key fob.
Once you have the correct battery type and size, you can insert the new battery into your key fob. To do this, first locate the battery compartment. The battery compartment should be clearly labeled and located on the back of the key fob. Then, press down the small tab to open the battery compartment.
Once the battery compartment is open, you can insert the new battery against the battery connector terminals . Make sure the negative end of the battery is facing downward. After the battery is inserted, close the battery compartment and test the key fob. The key fob issues should work properly after inserting the correct type of battery.
How to Fix a Hyundai Key Fob
Often, the battery replacement process interrupts the communication between the key fob and the car, meaning that the key fob won’t send radio signals to the car to unlock the doors or start the engine. Fortunately, it is usually a simple process to fix the Hyundai key fob after a battery change.
The first step is to check the buttons on the key fob. Depending on the year and model of your Hyundai, the buttons may need to be pressed in a particular sequence to reset the connection.
All Hyundai key fobs have a lock and unlock button; some may also have a trunk open button and a panic button. Try pressing the buttons in this sequence: lock, unlock, lock, unlock. If that doesn’t work, you may need to press the buttons several times to reset the connection.
The next step is to check the battery. Make sure that the battery is the correct size and type for your Hyundai key fob. You can find the right battery size and type in the owner’s manual or online. If the correct battery is already installed, try it again; sometimes a loose connection or a low charge can cause a key fob to malfunction.
If both of these steps have been completed and the Hyundai key fob still isn’t working, it may be time to reprogram the key fob.
This is a relatively simple process, and the exact steps will vary depending on the model and year of your Hyundai. You can likely find the exact instructions in the owner’s manual, or you can search the internet for specific steps for your vehicle.
Check the Battery
It is possible that the battery was installed incorrectly or is the wrong size for your Hyundai key fob. To begin checking the button cell battery, remove the key fob from your key ring and locate the battery cover.
Depending on your model, the battery cover will either be on the side or the back of the key fob. Once you locate the cover, use a small flathead screwdriver to loosen the screws and remove the cover.
Once the battery cover is removed, you should be able to easily access the battery compartment. It’s important to note the orientation of the battery, as it should be re-installed with the same orientation. Make sure the battery is in the correct position and the + and – sides are aligned properly.
Next, check the terminals of the battery to make sure they are making good contact with the contacts inside the key fob. If the terminals are not making contact, gently move them back and forth until they make secure contact. Once secure contact is made, put the battery cover back on, making sure the screws are secure.
Once the battery is properly secured, test the key fob to see if it works. If the key fob still does not respond after doing the above, then it is most likely an issue with the internal circuits in the key fob and you will either need to replace the key fob or have it professionally repaired.
Clean the Connections
If the key fob for your Hyundai is not working after a battery change, it is likely that the connections between the two are not making a secure contact, causing key fob circuit issues. To fix this issue, it is necessary to clean the contacts in the fob and the battery compartment.
Begin by ensuring that the new battery you have purchased is properly installed in the key fob. The battery should be facing the correct way, with the positive (+) side up.
Then, take a soft cloth, preferably one made with microfibers, and use it to gently clean both the negative (-) and positive (+) contacts on the fob. Make sure to pay extra attention to the points of connection, as these are the most prone to accumulating dirt, dust, and oil.
Next, clean the contacts in the battery compartment of the Hyundai, ensuring that the connections are also free of debris and grains of dirt. Once this is done, re-insert the battery in the correct direction and make sure that the connections are making a proper contact.
If the issue persists, it is likely that the key fob is no longer functioning properly or the connections are still not making a secure contact.
To test this, take a small screwdriver or pair of tweezers and lightly press and twist the connections several times. This should be done carefully, as too much pressure and twisting of the contacts can damage them.
Change the Batteries
When your Hyundai key fob battery stops working, it can be a frustrating experience. It often happens at the most inconvenient time, such as when you’re on the way to work, or running late. One of the most common causes of a Hyundai key fob not working is depleted batteries. Luckily, replacing the batteries is an easy fix.
One of the first steps to take when troubleshooting your Hyundai key fob is to check the battery level. Hyundai key fobs use CR2025 3V or CR2032 3V batteries. To determine which type of battery to use, remove the battery case from the back of your key fob and check the battery type printed on the edge.
Once you’ve identified your battery type, you can purchase it from a local convenience store or electronics store. Open the battery case, remove the old battery, and gently insert the new one (be sure it matches the markings printed on the edge of the battery case).
Once the new battery is in place, replace the back cover of the key fob. Press any button on the key fob to test the connection. If the key fob is still unresponsive, refer to your user manual for additional troubleshooting tips.
If the battery is not the source of the issue, you may need to reprogram the key fob. Many models require a technician to reprogram the key fob, so it’s best to contact your local Hyundai dealership for assistance.
Check for Interference
Electronic devices such as garage door openers, remote car starters, and other key fobs can interfere with your Hyundai key fob. This interference can cause your key fob to stop functioning.
To check for interference, you’ll want to start by turning off any electronic devices that may be nearby. This includes devices such as garage door openers, remote car starters, and other key fobs. Once these devices have been turned off, try to use your Hyundai key fob again.
If the key fob works after these devices are turned off, then the interference was the cause of your key fob’s malfunction.
To avoid further issues with interference, you can install shielding around your key fob or relocate it to an area free of any electronic devices. You can also consider using a key fob jammer which is an easy-to-use device that will block any interference.
Replacing the Hyundai Key Fob Battery
Replacing the battery in a Hyundai key fob can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right tools, the process is quite simple. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to replace the battery in a Hyundai key fob and get it working again.
Tools and Materials
- Flathead screwdriver
- Philips screwdriver
- Replacement battery for your Hyundai key fob
Step 1: Locate and remove the screws – To begin, locate the screws on the back side of the key fob. Using a flathead screwdriver or a Philips screwdriver, remove the screws from the key fob.
Step 2: Open the key fob – Once the screws are removed, carefully flip the fob open. Some key fobs may have additional screws on the side, but these can be skipped in the process.
Step 3: Remove the battery – The battery should now be visible. Carefully remove the battery and insert the new replacement battery in its place.
Step 4: Reattach the fob’s cover – Once the new battery is installed, carefully close the fob and replace the screws you removed.
Step 5: Test the key fob at the center console – Now that the battery is replaced and the cover is reattached, you can test the key fob to ensure it is working properly.
Dead batteries and connection issues are both common causes of a Hyundai Key Fob not working after battery change, and both can be fixed with a few simple steps. To clean the connections and to check the battery, carefully twist or pull the key fob apart, making sure to keep track of any pieces or screws you may find inside.
If the issue persists, changing the battery or replacing the key fob entirely may be necessary. Thankfully, it is a relatively straightforward process to do this, but it is important to ensure the correct battery is used. Worst case scenario, you can reach for a spare remote, as a key fob replacement.